
I'm Praga Giri , a Biomedical scientist working on cancer drug delivery enhancement, passionate about machine learning & robotics.

Get in touch pgiri@purdue.edu / pgiri@rsainc.net / pragatheisgiri@gmail.com

Useful Links: Github / LinkedIn / Google Scholar


I'm currently a PhD Student at Purdue University. I am also a Research Assistant jointly affiliated to Camarillo Lab. Previously, I was a researcher at Leeds, UK &

Patient-Focused & Quality-Driven!
  • Python
  • C++
  • C
  • Pytorch
  • TensorFlow
  • ROS
  • MLPack
  • Pandas
  • Sklearn
Software & Tools
  • Bash
  • Git & Github

PhD in Technology

Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology

Data Analytics Big Data Machine Learning Experimental Statistics Robot Programming with ROS Bioinformatics and Biocomputing Systems

Bachelor of Engineering in Biomedical Engineering

Data Structures Signal Processing Object Oriented Programming Operating Systems Image Processing Linear Algebra Software Engineering Data Analytics Artificial Intelligence
Research Intern
Jun 2022 - Aug 2022
Supply Chain Product Specialist Intern
Graduate Research Assistant
Research Scholar
View My Resume
Featured Projects

- Developed and optimized a neuromorphic architecture for printable organic neurons used in a Soft Robotic Skin with zero negative weights constrain.

- I was majorly involved in developing the Neural Network algorithm and testing the electrical neurons. The ANN was physically implemented, tested and verified.

Pytorch TensorFlow PSpice Matlab

- Built and Programmed a R/C race car to navigate the halls of a generated map at extreme speeds autonomously in a rally race.

- Utilized AMCL in ROS to acquire the IMU data and the Hokuyo LIDAR to localize ourselves in a known map

- Finished 3rd in KNOY 500 race.

ROS Matlab LIDAR and IMU Intergration

- Drug Delivery Enhancement method using Electric pulses for breast cancer cells

- Optimized the electric field strength and pulse duration to increase the drug permeability in breast cancer cells.

- performed multiple label-free quantitative proteomics studies on various drugs and analyzed over 30,000 proteins and genes to study the mechanism of action

Python Prism 9 Matlab
Other Projects

- Performed feature selection for housing price prediction by performing Data Wrangling and Exploratory Data Analysis.

- Reduced processing time for data pipelines by 1.5 times using Dask and PySpark.

- Created a dashboard for visualization of the features that influence the price of a house for each zipcode in NYC boroughs.

- Built Linear Regression, Decision Tree and Ensemble models to accurately predict the price of a house in NYC boroughs.

Pandas PySpark Dask Numpy Sklearn

- Utilized building meta-data and weather data to predict a building's water, electricity and gas meter readings.

- Performed data cleaning and exploratory data analysis to identify outliers, impute missing data and identify correlations in data.

- Improved model predictive power by performing feature engineering and used LightGBM model to train on the data.

- Utilized cross-validation to train and evaluate the model and visualized the results by performing PCA on the data.

Pandas Dask XGBoost LightGBM Sklearn